Fiscal year end header

Do you remember as a kid imagining what you wanted to be when you grew up?

For me, I dreamed of being a business owner. I watched my mom run her bakery, making connections with people 和 earning money for our family. My passion has also been education to help others receive the knowledge 和 skills to thrive, like my mom did in her business.

Because you’re someone who deeply cares about supporting the next generation of Christ-centered leaders, I know you’ll want to hear these stories about Damian 和 Alej和ro.

student with goggles 和 magnifying glass First grader, Damian Williams wants to be a scientist or a sea diver when he grows up.

Damian shares, “I am very curious about everything 和 want to know how it works. I am always asking my parents 和 老师 questions.  I want to know ‘Why?’”

“I like that in school we do science experiments with rocks under water 和 study animals. I’m excited to keep exploring this beautiful world 和 discover more in the future!”

And you want to help him reach this dream! You can make an impact to nurture students’ curiosity from a young age. 你会帮忙吗??

Younger students, 像Damian, look up to older students, 老师, 和 alumni as people to emulate, guided by values of Christ-like love, peacemaking 和 service.

Do you remember your high school graduation?

For our seniors, graduation 和 commencement just happened. They’ve completed their final assignments. They enjoyed their last days at Lancaster Mennonite making memories with friends at Prom, playing frisbee in the grass field by the Mill Stream, celebrating accomplishments, 和 walking across the stage to receive their diplomas at graduation.

We celebrate with senior Alej和ro Veras who will be attending Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) in the fall to study Chemistry. He reflects on the important ways that LM has nurtured his interests 和 cultivated his curiosity:

Alej和ro shares, “I’ve always been curious 和 had questions I wanted to explore. I am thankful to LM 老师 who’ve brought science to life for me. My classes 和 experiences have allowed me to explore my interests in the human body, what the earth is made of, 和 how it all points back to God.”

“I’m excited to continue exploring science in college 和 my future career to help people through science – whether that be in business, doing research, or another way I haven’t discovered yet. Lancaster Mennonite has prepared me well for the future!

I am excited to see the ways that LM students will continue to shape our world for the better. You make these opportunities possible for students!

You can bless students with your support. Though they may not see your face, they will feel your kindness throughout their life. Your generosity today will stay with them as they grow 和 launch from LM into their careers.

Thank you for being a part of the Christ-centered education at LM that is building the next generation of world changers! Your support is needed to walk alongside our students throughout their growing up years. Please provide your gift by June 30, 2024 to ensure more students can live out their dreams 和 positively impact our world.

We are deeply grateful for your continued financial 和 prayer support of Christ-centered, world changing education.

Do you remember as a kid imagining what you wanted to be when you grew up? Share your childhood aspirations with us!

点击 在这里 to share what YOU wanted to be when you grew up.



Dr. Michael Badriaki
