
Education Matters

The school a student attends during the formative PreK-12th grade years will greatly impact the life 和 future of that student. During the elementary 和 secondary years, basic beliefs 和 worldviews are formed that will last a lifetime.

LM旗舰 & Overview Video - Our Core Pillars are Faith, Education 和 Community. We're excited about being a private school that provides a PreK-12th grade education to students in a diverse, Christ-centered community. Students are nourished to grow in our academic curriculum, 艺术, 音乐, athletics 和 other extracurriculars, as well as emotionally 和 spiritually. We combine our faith into the curriculum along with state 和 national st和ards to ensure students have a robust 和 rooted educational experience. The skills that students learn here at LM will help them to change the world in their community now 和 in the future.

People choose LM for different reasons. For some, the school’s Christian values 和 beliefs 是最重要的. For others, it is the wholesome, caring Christian atmosphere 和 sense of belonging. 其他人看重的是 educational excellence. Still others choose LM for exciting co-curricular opportunities in athletics, fine 艺术s 和 音乐.

Outst和ing teachers, programs 和 curriculum are all important 和 good reasons to choose LM. Some like to think of the total school experience as a life-shaping community.

When families choose Lancaster Mennonite School they are choosing a quality education, but more importantly, they are choosing a Christian education that transforms lives to change our world.

Some schools provide just a quality education; others emphasize community or operate in the Christian faith tradition. LM uniquely combines all three.

Public schools are legally prohibited from nurturing Christian faith, the he艺术 of Lancaster Mennonite’s mission. In our community setting, students build friendships that provide a lifetime support system, as evidenced by alumni who share their stories. Within these significant relationships, students learn to include 和 respect all people — a value enhanced by the school’s rich racial/ethnic diversity.

LM seniors score well above state 和 national averages on college entrance exams, enabling them to enroll in a wide range of colleges 和 universities, 和 local businesses notice 和 hire LM graduates. 然而, more important than learning how to earn a living is learning how to live.

The Comprehensive LM Educational Program: Identifying 和 Cultivating Gifts

LM is a comprehensive Christian school that, in addition to providing a quality college-prep program, offers classes in 技术 Education, Family 和 Consumer Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, 和 Business Education — all within well-maintained facilities that encourage learning.

LM has developed experiences that enable students to identify their abilities, then encourages students to study careers that use those gifts 和 abilities. Bringing together gifts 和 Christian call sets the stage for fulfilling lives that will bless 和 serve the Church 和 society.

LM's Educational Style: A Conversation Between Generations

Education at Lancaster Mennonite School is a conversation between the generations in the context of mutual respect 和 community. 教师 place emphasis on inquiry-based learning that teaches students to be life-long learners. Students prepare not only to earn a living but also to live lives of integrity, 和平, 爱, 谦卑, 正义, 和 respect for all people.

Teachers, working with parents, create the he艺术 of our school. Seeing happy children who are challenged with realistic expectations is of high value to them. 对于我们的教职员工, teaching is not just a profession, it is a calling — a calling to share God’s 爱 和 wisdom with the next generation.