Making a Difference

The LM Factor

We are committed to developing students into world changers by providing comprehensive education and innovative programs.

The Annual Fund provides a level of excellence in the classroom that is not obtainable through tuition alone.  Your investment will provide new and innovative classes that prepare students for thier future careers or colleges of their choice. Your support also provides a fine arts program, a practical arts program and a learning support program. Your gifts to the Annual Fund will enable student growth and build bridges to success.

The LM vision to provide students with experiences of excellence and character require facilities to support that vision. The school’s master plan envisions a physical atmosphere that strengthens community, facilitates concentration and inspires creativity. To meet this vision, your gifts are needed for a number of capital projects involving 32% of our educational space.

Making an excellent education accessible to our community requires both immediate support and long-term legacy gifts to subsidize tuition and to provide financial aid. More than 40% of LM students require some type of financial aid to be able to afford an LM education.

Please join with us and with God as we work together to implement excellence in education and facilities that is also accessible to our community.

Financial statements are available upon request. Contact CFO Lorri Hengst at (717) 740-2434 or